Remember to be happy |
tisdag 27 september 2011
söndag 25 september 2011
Carpe Diem
Hello darlings!
Today I went to the big book fair, wich happens in my city every year. It has been so much fun, and I also bought some great books. Now I'll probebly eat some homemade cake and dig in in my girly candy(magazines).

Today I went to the big book fair, wich happens in my city every year. It has been so much fun, and I also bought some great books. Now I'll probebly eat some homemade cake and dig in in my girly candy(magazines).
Lots of Love
fredag 23 september 2011
How to be a conservative girl
Conservative Girls are a rare kind of breed. They are typically the 'Girlfriend' Material, rather than the girls who sleep around at a young age. They are known to have a mind of their own and become some of the successful women of all time.
- 1The Attitude: Practice on your manners and respect others. Remember, some girls may be wealthy but they lack class. Never interrupt when others are speaking, even if you feel their opinions are different than yours. Most Conservative girls are rather reserved, they wait until it is their turn to speak and when they do speak, everyone listens. Another thing to remember about attitude is that you don't have to be this stuck up queen, many conservative women have a very funny (but classic) sense of humor.
Work on the Look: Once again, you don't need deep pockets to dress like a conservative girl, it is perfectly affordable. The price is making an effort to take care of yourself. Always wash your hair, brush your teeth, floss, remain simple and elegant. When it comes to clothes, you can wear whatever makes you confident, but stay away from the tacky "Bling Bling" and the revealing clothes. The sexiest girls, are the girls who actually look good under layers. Some good stores are Anthropologie (pricy), J.Crew, Anne Taylor or Banana Republic. If you can't afford these stories, try shopping at some more conservative department stores such as Wal Mart and JcPenneys. When going to JcPenneys, try not to wear anything that is too revealing, alternative or boho-chic.
The Behavior: Conservative girls never hold up signs and protest anything unless it reflects their value, such as the Tea Party movement. They hold strong to their opinions and stick with them throughout the times. Most conservative girls are independent and prefer to work on their own. They can have many friends, but they do not 'deal' with drama.
Opinions: Whether you are a conservative woman who plans to be a Professional in NYC or you just want to be a traditional mother. It is important to know where you stand, no flip flopping ideas. Never state an opinion, just because. Always do a little research on the facts and go with what you believe in is right. Also, a conservative woman may be stubborn and unmoved from her opinions, but she does not try to force them upon others. All she cares about is her life, her future, etc. She minds her own business and moves along with her life.
Dating: Conservative girls are rarely the type to kiss and tell. They prefer one on one dates, like you see in the movies. They do not 'Hook up' or do immature games like truth or dare. They have virtue, morals, principles, dignity, integrity and good qualities. Being a conservative girl means hold off sex for as long as possible, until you truly have found the right person. Never do anything without a reason. Conservative girls base their thinking on logic not emotion.
Hobbies: Do anything you feel like pursuing. One thing about conservative girls is they don't make excuses, they know that they are unstoppable. They are never put down, because nobody gets in their way. However, one thing you must keep in mind, is to stay well educated and informed on current events. You should be reading novels or taking classes, learning is a great experience and all around opens the world around you. When it comes to current events, do not just go by what the media tells you. Remember, television and news is primary suspect number one when it comes to brain washing people! Always use your mind and dig for the facts before putting your stamp on an opinion. Otherwise you may look like an idiot to somebody who really knows what's going on.
Use your head: Like throughout this entire article, think before you act. Think about the consequences. Never be afraid of speaking your mind, but for goodness sake, think before you do anything rash. Most conservative girls don't do drugs, smoke, drink too much, etc. because they hate having 'addictions', it makes one submissive and weak, and we all know we conservative girls hate being held back.
Keep a little mystery: People are not as important as they make themselves out to be. Celebrities or Olympic athletes, we are all just people. Never gawk over anyone, you are better than that. You are worth just as much as they are. You must always look out for yourself and your family. If anybody wants to know what your thinking, then they should ask. It's not your job to go around advertising yourself.
Be Kind: Many conservative girls are overlooked as stuck up prude you whats...well lets cleanse this cliche. Smile sincerely, say hello to people, you don't need to be an alien just because you are the quiet type. Some people may make you angry by saying stupid things, just brush them off. Never lose your cool and never judge someone by how much they know, but by what kind of person they are. In the long run it will make you feel better. You don't care about what other people's beliefs are, you only care if they are trying to influence you.
Be Fearless: Too many times you see people being prejudiced against religion, race and political standing. If you are a Catholic, Republican, white girl, then be proud. Same if you're vice-versa. But don't let it get too out of hand, you don't need to be an extremist. Just stick true to your opinions and never give in.
torsdag 15 september 2011
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