lördag 16 juli 2011

Accept & be Yourself

An advice I would give to everyone is to be your self. The world would be absolutely dull if everyone were and acted the same way. There is only one of you and billion of other people, you are unique in your own way. Don't waste your time trying to be like everyone else. Love your self, do what you love and be who you are without thinking about what everyone else thinks. I see alot of people trying to fit in and hiding who they truly are and inside they are missriable because to follow along is by far the easier and less aversive decision, but it certainly isn’t a path that leads to contentment or fulfillment. I would advice you to do what interests you and attracts your attention and causes you to lose all track of time. Ignore the persuasion of what others might think, say or how you might be treated. After all, it is their fear or envy that make them to pass judgment on you because truthfully they might be jealous that you dare to be your self and they can't.
If you feel you are not being your self and are hiding who you truly are, begin today, to start being your self. Enrich your life by just being you. It is the best gift you could ever possibly give yourself, by just being yourself!!!

"Just be yourself” is a simple phrase for a very difficult task. 

It might not be easy and it might be difficult at times  


Here are some pointers to help you along the way:

  • Start being able to trust yourself
  • Be able to listen to others’ opinions and not be swayed
  • Let your unique, creative talents shine
  •  Be close with people who appreciate the real you
  • Don't waste time worrying about what others think,
     understand your feelings, know what makes you tick

  •  accept your personal flaws and mistakes
  •  Become gentler toward yourself
  •  Realize you are worthy, just the way you are
  •  discover your purpose

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”  
~e.e. cummings,

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